In search of the Lizard
Search for a particular piece of weaponry that’s been lost for centuries. The cannon known as Gušter (Lizard) is one of the legends of Dubrovnik, and according to the historical legends this masterpiece fell into the sea in October 1814 when the Austrian army removed it from the fortress Lovrijenac, intending to take it to Vienna. It was never retrieved, and it is not sure whether this story is apocryphal or not, but the sea depths under the famous fortress were never reviewed by modern technology. “In search for the lizard” will try to unravel this story and hopefully find the precise location of the famous artefact.

Documentary film
Duration: 52 min
Director: Lukša Benić
Screenplay: Lukša Benić
Director of photography: Srđan Kokanov
Jaka produkcija d.o.o. for HRT 2023.
In search of the Lizard
Search for a particular piece of weaponry that’s been lost for centuries. The cannon known as Gušter (Lizard) is one of the legends of Dubrovnik, and according to the historical legends this masterpiece fell into the sea in October 1814 when the Austrian army removed it from the fortress Lovrijenac, intending to take it to Vienna. It was never retrieved, and it is not sure whether this story is apocryphal or not, but the sea depths under the famous fortress were never reviewed by modern technology. “In search for the lizard” will try to unravel this story and hopefully find the precise location of the famous artefact.

Documentary film
Duration: 52 min
Director: Lukša Benić
Screenplay: Lukša Benić
Director of photography: Srđan Kokanov
Jaka produkcija d.o.o. for HRT 2023.
‘Dnevnik Pauline P.‘:
Djevojčica koja obećava

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