The Diary of
Paulina P.
This is a story about Paulina P. in which we follow her adventures in class and at home, as well as all the problems she successfully overcomes during the school year.
The movie is based on the children’s book Paulina’s diary in which she talks about her friendship, love, and family-related problems through comic situations. The plot of the movie itself is set in the real world, with a touch of “magic”.

The Diary of Paulina P.
This is a story about Paulina P. in which we follow her adventures in class and at home, as well as all the problems she successfully overcomes during the school year.
The movie is based on the children’s book Paulina’s diary in which she talks about her friendship, love, and family-related problems through comic situations. The plot of the movie itself is set in the real world, with a touch of “magic”.

Today’s generations of children are always very interested in physical work, tools, and handymen interventions in the house. Despite all the modern ways of entertainment, children are repeatedly fascinated by drills, screws, and objects that handymen carry in their work bags. In today’s consumerist world, we are returning to the importance of practical skills and knowledge. Tools and hands are more important and interesting than ever, as a counterbalance to the virtual world in which children live. Our handymen come to homes in need of repairs, but their services go much deeper! Handymen are experts in motivating children and adults to overcome everyday problems and obstacles, and this is where their mastery lies.

Today’s generations of children are always very interested in physical work, tools, and handymen interventions in the house. Despite all the modern ways of entertainment, children are repeatedly fascinated by drills, screws, and objects that handymen carry in their work bags. In today’s consumerist world, we are returning to the importance of practical skills and knowledge. Tools and hands are more important and interesting than ever, as a counterbalance to the virtual world in which children live. Our handymen come to homes in need of repairs, but their services go much deeper! Handymen are experts in motivating children and adults to overcome everyday problems and obstacles, and this is where their mastery lies.

The Ballad of
pipe and necklace
During the Stone Age, a young Slovenian man invents the first flute, and a Croatian girl invents the first necklace in the world. The young couple meets and falls in love, but their tribes engage in an open conflict. It all leads to a great adventure.

The Ballad of
pipe and necklace
During the Stone Age, a young Slovenian man invents the first flute, and a Croatian girl invents the first necklace in the world. The young couple meets and falls in love, but their tribes engage in an open conflict. It all leads to a great adventure.

Mouse House
Dva miša pronađu velik kolut sira u skladištu za drva. Jedan od njih se ušulja unutra i ostane zarobljen nakon što se kolut sira zakotrlja i prekrije rupu kroz koju je ušao. Dok drugi miš moli izvana da uđe, sretniji miš jede svoj put kroz novopronađeni dom. Najprije pokuša pomoći drugome mišu, no ubrzo posveti svu pažnju rezbarenju palače od sira svojim zubima. U silnoj pohlepi, ne može si pomoći te izjeda kuću od sira iznutra dok se ona ne uruši. Vani ponovno vidi svog izgladnjelog prijatelja, kojega vreba mačka. Debeli miš suočava se s dilemom: spasiti sebe ili pomoći prijatelju u nevolji?

Mouse House
Dva miša pronađu velik kolut sira u skladištu za drva. Jedan od njih se ušulja unutra i ostane zarobljen nakon što se kolut sira zakotrlja i prekrije rupu kroz koju je ušao. Dok drugi miš moli izvana da uđe, sretniji miš jede svoj put kroz novopronađeni dom. Najprije pokuša pomoći drugome mišu, no ubrzo posveti svu pažnju rezbarenju palače od sira svojim zubima. U silnoj pohlepi, ne može si pomoći te izjeda kuću od sira iznutra dok se ona ne uruši. Vani ponovno vidi svog izgladnjelog prijatelja, kojega vreba mačka. Debeli miš suočava se s dilemom: spasiti sebe ili pomoći prijatelju u nevolji?

Animated short The Ballad of Pipe and Necklace at festivals around the globe

Short film 'Marko' directed
by Marko Santic awarded
in India and the UK

Short feature film Marko directed by Marko Santic and screenwriter Goran Vojnovic won the award for best editing at the recent River Stone festival in India, and before that it celebrated in the UK...