The Ballad of pipe and necklace
During the Stone Age, a young Slovenian man invents the first flute, and a Croatian girl invents the first necklace in the world. The young couple meets and falls in love, but their tribes engage in an open conflict. It all leads to a great adventure.

The Ballad of pipe and necklace
During the Stone Age, a young Slovenian man invents the first flute, and a Croatian girl invents the first necklace in the world. The young couple meets and falls in love, but their tribes engage in an open conflict. It all leads to a great adventure.

Mouse House
Two mice find a big cheese in an old timber depot. The more ambitious of the two mice sneaks in and gets trapped as the cheese rolls over the hole. While the other mouse is begging to enter from the outside, the lucky mouse eats his way through the newly acquired home. First, it tries to help the other mouse but soon devotes all its attention to carving a cheesy palace with its mouth. Greedy enough, it cannot help itself and eats the house from the inside out until it collapses. Outside, he sees his starving friend who is being preyed on by a cat. The fat mouse is now faced with the decision: save himself or help a friend in need?

Mouse House
Two mice find a big cheese in an old timber depot. The more ambitious of the two mice sneaks in and gets trapped as the cheese rolls over the hole. While the other mouse is begging to enter from the outside, the lucky mouse eats his way through the newly acquired home. First, it tries to help the other mouse but soon devotes all its attention to carving a cheesy palace with its mouth. Greedy enough, it cannot help itself and eats the house from the inside out until it collapses. Outside, he sees his starving friend who is being preyed on by a cat. The fat mouse is now faced with the decision: save himself or help a friend in need?

Griffon Slavko
The animated film “Griffon Slavko” is the pilot episode of the animated series that follows the events in the life of the small griffon Slavko from the island of Cres, who flies with his parents over the Croatian countryside and meets other animal species.
The goal of “Griffon Slavko” is to develop viewers’ knowledge about animal species in our country, but also to encourage empathy for the animal world and environmental protection.

Griffon Slavko
The animated film “Griffon Slavko” is the pilot episode of the animated series that follows the events in the life of the small griffon Slavko from the island of Cres, who flies with his parents over the Croatian countryside and meets other animal species.
The goal of “Griffon Slavko” is to develop viewers’ knowledge about animal species in our country, but also to encourage empathy for the animal world and environmental protection.

Papuk through the time machine
In the film, the ammonite Toni takes us back to the ancient times of Papuk’s past with his time machine, from the time when huge megalodon sharks, dolphins, and seals swam in the Pannonian Sea, until the age of development of mammals and dinosaurs!

Papuk through the time machine
In the film, the ammonite Toni takes us back to the ancient times of Papuk’s past with his time machine, from the time when huge megalodon sharks, dolphins, and seals swam in the Pannonian Sea, until the age of development of mammals and dinosaurs!

Animated short The Ballad of Pipe and Necklace at festivals around the globe

Short film 'Marko' directed
by Marko Santic awarded
in India and the UK

Short feature film Marko directed by Marko Santic and screenwriter Goran Vojnovic won the award for best editing at the recent River Stone festival in India, and before that it celebrated in the UK...